Ringing in the New Year: Naw-Ruz 2024
Blossoms! Festivities! A fresh start! We’re abuzz with the invigorating energy of Naw-Ruz—the Baha’i New Year—just around the corner.
Naw-Ruz, which translates from Persian to “New Day,” is an ancient celebration of springtime’s arrival. The day holds special spiritual significance for Baha’is as well, marking the conclusion of the 19-day fast and the beginning of Bahá (“splendor”), the first of the 19 Baha’i months. Subsequently, the Baha’i New Year is an occasion for feasts, prayers, and communion with friends and family. The bounties of Naw-Ruz are enumerated in The Kitab-i-Aqdas:
Happy the one who entereth upon the first day of the month of Bahá, the day which God hath consecrated to this Great Name. And blessed be he who evidenceth on this day the bounties that God hath bestowed upon him; he, verily, is of those who show forth thanks to God through actions betokening the Lord's munificence which hath encompassed all the worlds. Say: This day, verily, is the crown of all the months and the source thereof, the day on which the breath of life is wafted over all created things. Great is the blessedness of him who greeteth it with radiance and joy. We testify that he is, in truth, among those who are blissful.
Bahá’u’lláh, The Kitab-i-Aqdas, p. 59
Since Baha’is observe Naw-Ruz as a Holy Day, it is one replete with festivities like feasts, dancing, music, and communion with friends and family. While largely influenced by Persian traditions, adherents around the globe often celebrate Naw-Ruz by infusing the customs of their respective cultures. Furthermore, it is a salient reminder of the period’s spiritual abundance. Just as our solar system’s Sun begets life for terrestrial beings, Abdu’l-Baha draws a parallel to how the sun of truth “bestows eternal life” in Divine Philosophy.
For those of us in the Pacific Time Zone, Naw-Ruz begins on Tuesday, March 19 at 8:06 pm. Our international friends can also find their time at 7seen.com.
In a vein similar to this enduring celebration, we at OTY Jewelry delight in creating timeless pieces with a fresh, contemporary twist. We are committed to excellence in our designs, and are proud to note that pieces featuring the nine pointed star, the Greatest Name, or the Ringstone Symbol have been approved by the local Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of Los Angeles, and granted license by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of the United States. Let our jewels serve as an invitation to honor tradition—while ringing in the new—this Naw-Ruz and beyond.
However you celebrate, we hope your Naw-Ruz is one for the books!